Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hey bods, mods might be coming soon

I'm looking into some Oblivion mod creation tools, and I think I got the hang of it.  I was thinking to make the really empty region of the Imperial Reserve into a giant Jaroo cult grounds.  I was thinking that maybe you play as the founder of the Jaroo Elite Squad, and you recruit members of the squad as you go along.  Then, maybe you go in the temple and resurrect Jaroo, and all these Jaroo followers come and worship him and you get really cool armor.  Maybe I could even do a sequel in New Vegas, where all of them are gangstors and they have cool suits and hats and revolvers. I'm not sure if it would fit in though.

Sidenote - The King in New Vegas is almost as cool as Sheogorath in Oblivion.  Which reminds me, maybe the Jaroo Elite Squad mod could be in the Shivering Isles, with the giant mushrooms and everything.  I'll think about it.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I tested out LuxRender

There's a bunch of noise all over it, the model sort of sucks, but it's pretty cool I guess

(Click to Enlarge)

I tried to get LuxRender to work in Blender 2.5 with the tutorial at Blender Cookie, it didn't really work out so I used it in 2.49.  I'm pretty sure the results would be the same.  I have to figure out how to get rid of the sparklies everywhere, I left this thing running for 6 hours and they still weren't gone.  It might be because of lack of light, but I think I put enough light in.  Right now I'm trying hard to get external renderer to work for me, I've seen a lot of amazing stuff at the Blender Artists that was rendered in Yafaray and Luxrender.

Edit:  This is a new version

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hey, bonhomeEscape is starting up, and I'm making a TF2 hat

Hey, so some buds and I are finally getting started with Python and are practicing around with rooms and items, it's going to be sweet stuff, and there are collectible bugs and you can ride in spaceships and break eggs like dinosaurs

Right now I am also making a hat for TF2, two of my buds came up with the idea of having a spy hat that looks like this:

It's based off the Invisible Man.  Right now I'm trying to find a good way to model it, since there is a poly count of 800 for TF2 hats.  Then I have to do the textures, which won't be too bad I think, since it's just fabric.  The goggles probably won't be that hard either.  To get the bandages right I'll have to take a lot of time fitting it onto the spy's head, so I'll probably work on it this weekend, when I have a lot of free time.  I just hope I don't abandon it like I did with my soldier hat, which, by the way, looked like this: