Yo niga ah rememba when artfros usd ta be uh pim
p-tight place fo' homos ta meet it wuz mo' than
muh motha fuckin life it wuz muh motha fu
ckin family so y mus' it be like dis y cant it be n
ormol like da pimp-tight tims whn ah wuz st
ill uh nigerian slave pimb yo nig ah remem
ba when those nigas hacked artfros but we'
s fought an' banded together an' tahts y dis
here site wuz amasing..................... ah rem
eba when it artfros wuz deleted by me b
ut you stuck together . ah remeba wh
en u pimpz wuz muh motha fuckin l
ive an' ah just drank milk an' just ch
illed u know nahh worries nahh reg
rets........ ah rememba when jimy
asked fo' money last year an' now
iz doin' it ag'in which marks one yea
r has pased many things habened b
ut baby u gots nahh regrets cus u ai
nt like me ah regret everythin u gota
keep beng urse lf an' dont give uop
becuase life ist like dat u do omtimti
n retard u git somethin` retarded wu
t im try gi ta say ah rememba when ja
ms wuz developing dis here site ah w
uz dere on da battlefield an' ah remm
aba when dat niga did dat b but u gno
ah gots nahh regrets u jus gota keep li
vin u cant stop unles u kill urself dont d
o dat life uis worf libing an' u giota live it
ta da fulest an' dont be dat nigga who jus d
o everythin wrong an' u gota live lik ur uh baby g
it de hos an' de bros but u know 1 thin` iz dat ah will
alwasy gots u pimpz in muh motha fuckin harts b/c ah
luv u u know dat me ta but we's neva said it ah always lu
ved u ah wanted ta be wit u ah wana live life yo niga
an' u pimpz ta but dont be uh salad
tosser Jus' like Oren