Monday, November 21, 2011

plz dont judge me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yo niga ah rememba when artfros usd ta be uh pim
p-tight place fo' homos ta meet it wuz mo' than
 muh motha fuckin life it wuz muh motha fu
ckin family so y mus' it be like dis y cant it be n
ormol like da pimp-tight tims whn ah wuz st
ill uh nigerian slave pimb yo nig ah remem
ba when those nigas hacked artfros but we'
s fought an' banded together an' tahts y dis
here site wuz amasing..................... ah rem
eba when it artfros wuz deleted by me b
ut you stuck together . ah remeba wh
en u pimpz wuz muh motha fuckin l
ive an' ah just drank milk an' just ch
illed u know nahh worries nahh reg
rets........ ah rememba when jimy
asked fo' money last year an' now
iz doin' it ag'in which marks one yea
r has pased many things habened b
ut baby u gots nahh regrets cus u ai
nt like me ah regret everythin u gota
 keep beng urse lf an' dont give uop
becuase life ist like dat u do omtimti
n retard u git somethin` retarded wu
t im try gi ta say ah rememba when ja
ms wuz developing dis here site ah w
uz dere on da battlefield an' ah remm
aba when dat niga did dat b but u gno
 ah gots nahh regrets u jus gota keep li
vin u cant stop unles u kill urself dont d
o dat life uis worf libing an' u giota live it
 ta da fulest an' dont be dat nigga who jus d
o everythin wrong an' u gota live lik ur uh baby g
it de hos an' de bros but u know 1 thin` iz dat ah will
alwasy gots u pimpz in muh motha fuckin harts b/c ah
luv u u know dat me ta but we's neva said it ah always lu
ved u ah wanted ta be wit u ah wana live life yo niga
 an' u pimpz ta but dont be uh salad
tosser Jus' like Oren

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kiwi :  “Whatever you are, be a good one.” - Abraham Lincoln
Kiwi :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
=ADK=[<3] Femtobarn :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
=ADK=[<3] Femtobarn :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Stabs |FC²| :  dead
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Stabs |FC²| :  again
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one
[Junkies] MrWh0opie :  good one
Kiwi :  good one

Thursday, September 1, 2011


LEGENDARY comments: episode #3

"You all know you say Vader is to old to do the NOOOOOOOO but look at it this way He was 10 years old when he started to become a Jedi (Eps 1) 8 Years later (Eps 2) he is 18 If I remember right they say something like 2 years have went by before (Ep3) so he is 20 then a few months so let just say 21 is when he becomes Vader. Then 18 years go by then (Eps 4) A few months then (Eps5) and a year for (Eps 6) So Luke is 19 when his father dies Vader is only 39 years old. To me the Noooooo Is ok with him because he missed out of 18 years of his son's life and the other year he was trying to kill him or turn him to the dark side. Now if Vader would be something like 50 or 60 then I would say yes he is to old to do the Noooooo but given the understanding of the story and not just watching a movie but puting your self into the movie I can see Vader doing that at the last few moments"

LEGENDARY comments: episode #2

"Im a good person, and ill tell u sumtin about life. U do sumtin retared u get sumtin retarded. Please... people, thumbz down to this vid so it gets more dislikes than friday. Let him get the shit that he deserves."

LEGENDARY comments: episode #1

"The soundtrack is amazing, but this is the jewel one!

In a few years this music wil probably be a good memory on the great ending to the books we grew on, I know many of us did.
Magic exists in our hearts, just like Harry Potter will always do."

i agree withh bloodyjuliette.magic exists in our hearts................................

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

good 2 volume 2

Willy Nilly :  hero my ass
-N1FS- Hero :  what?
Willy Nilly :  took  to school
-N1FS- Hero :  lol you fail sir
Willy Nilly :  you died
Willy Nilly :  ?
Willy Nilly :  I fail?
-N1FS- Hero :  one demo knight kill and your pro lol
Willy Nilly :  lets see you melee
Willy Nilly :  didn't think so
-N1FS- Hero :  plz you fail sir
-N1FS- Hero killed Willy Nilly with force_a_nature. (crit)
Willy Nilly :  sure are a winner
Willy Nilly :  i bet that tag you wear means a whole lot
-N1FS- Hero :  yup
-N1FS- Hero :  Nuber 1 Fan Scout
Willy Nilly :  by that I mean you are worthless
Willy Nilly :  I hope you get aids
-N1FS- Hero :  lol rage for me
Willy Nilly :  no chance
-N1FS- Hero :  insulting me means i got under your skin
Willy Nilly :  No
Willy Nilly :  I am calling you out
-N1FS- Hero :  yes
Willy Nilly :  not insulting
-N1FS- Hero :  and you fail sir
Willy Nilly :  insult would imply only I think what you are doing is gay
*DEAD* Willy Nilly :  what you are doing is really relaly gay
*DEAD* Willy Nilly :  troll
Willy Nilly :  you are a troll
{FuCt} Left Nut :  you don't call people out on tf2 or any video game
{FuCt} Left Nut :  you play
{FuCt} Left Nut :  thats it
-N1FS- Hero :  Im not a troll
-N1FS- Hero :  Im just a good scout face it
-N1FS- Hero :  I love a saying that goes
-N1FS- Hero :  Haters going to Hate!
-N1FS- Hero :  ok lets play soldier now
Willy Nilly killed -N1FS- Hero with liberty_launcher.
-N1FS- Hero killed Willy Nilly with world.
-N1FS- Hero :  drop it son
Willy Nilly :  oh no
Willy Nilly :  not a instant respawn match on 2fort
Willy Nilly :  with 7 players
-N1FS- Hero :  win
Willy Nilly :  oh noes
Willy Nilly :  good for you
Willy Nilly :  you can die happy
-N1FS- Hero :  yes I know
sperm whale suicided.
-N1FS- Hero :  ty Im happy
-N1FS- Hero :  your the real troll here
-N1FS- Hero killed Willy Nilly with knife.
-N1FS- Hero :  lol
-N1FS- Hero :  hes going to rage
-N1FS- Hero killed Willy Nilly with enforcer. (crit)
-N1FS- Hero :  haha
-N1FS- Hero :  too slow
Willy Nilly :  well
Willy Nilly :  here I come again
-N1FS- Hero killed Willy Nilly with rocketlauncher_directhit.
-N1FS- Hero :  and there you die again
-N1FS- Hero killed Willy Nilly with rocketlauncher_directhit.
Willy Nilly :  l
Willy Nilly :  press l
gray whale :  what is l
Willy Nilly :  L
gray whale :  I
-N1FS- Hero :  lol
gray whale :  |
gray whale :  | l I
Willy Nilly :  the
gray whale :  dont stop dude just go i will cover you
gray whale :  there are so many i cant hold them back anymore
-N1FS- Hero killed Willy Nilly with rocketlauncher_directhit. (crit)
-N1FS- Hero :  win
Willy Nilly :  dude
Willy Nilly :  i am so happy for you
-N1FS- Hero :  ty me too
-N1FS- Hero :  :D
Willy Nilly :  I am happy about my pizza I got delizered while you were "dominating" me
-N1FS- Hero :  good for you sir
Niggly :  lol
Niggly :  winnar
gray whale :  what kind of pizza
Willy Nilly :  eat a dick
Willy Nilly killed {FuCt} Left Nut with blackbox.
Willy Nilly :  you too
gray whale :  what kind of pizza
gray whale :  answer me
Niggly :  don't make him mad.
Willy Nilly :  BBQ chicken and backon
gray whale :  ANSWER ME
-N1FS- Hero :  lmao
gray whale :  where did you order from
Willy Nilly :  dominos
Willy Nilly :  oh shit
gray whale :  how much did it cost
Willy Nilly :  he is a wigger
gray whale :  answer me
Niggly :  too much for shitty pizza
gray whale :  how much did it cost
-N1FS- Hero :  you got your head up your ass
Willy Nilly :  "I don't fuckin know! Lets go watch some 8 Mile"
Willy Nilly :  lol
Willy Nilly :  hero
Willy Nilly :  poshhh
gray whale :  don't change the subject
Willy Nilly :  am I correct?
gray whale :  how much did the pizza cost
Willy Nilly :  did you hear his voice
Willy Nilly :  what trailer park has high speed internet access?
gray whale :  answer the question
Willy Nilly :  huh hero?
gray whale :  answer the question or i will permaban you dude
gray whale :  i swear to jesus
Willy Nilly :  I dont care
Willy Nilly :  I am not even listening to you
*DEAD* gray whale :  how much did the pizza cost
Willy Nilly :  what was the question?
gray whale :  i'm typing
gray whale :  of course you're not listening to me
Niggly :  spart dick
Willy Nilly :  you know what I meant
gray whale :  no
gray whale :  i don't
gray whale :  how much did the pizza cost
Willy Nilly :  2 lrg 2 toppings for 7.99 each
Willy Nilly :  new deal
gray whale :  it's actually 2 mediums 2 toppings
Willy Nilly :  :(
gray whale :  for 5.99
Niggly :  rofl
Niggly :  shut the fuck up
Willy Nilly :  they have a new offer
Willy Nilly :  new deal
Willy Nilly :  is what I said
gray whale :  obviously not
Willy Nilly :  can you use the console?
gray whale :  no
Willy Nilly :  look at the log
Willy Nilly :  ok
gray whale :  why did you lie about the pizza
Willy Nilly :  then stfu
Niggly :  rtofl
Willy Nilly :  mr permaban
Niggly :  hes hiding something
-N1FS- Hero :  lol
gray whale :  i don't know how to ban yet but when i find out i will do it
gray whale :  when is the pizza coming to your house
Willy Nilly :  I am eating it
Willy Nilly :  nnow
gray whale :  how does it taste
Willy Nilly :  and playing
Willy Nilly :  Like your moms cunt
Willy Nilly :  stfu
Niggly :  this guy is so funny
gray whale :  pizza does not taste like that
gray whale :  you are obviously lying
Willy Nilly :  :)
gray whale :  why did you lie
gray whale :  answer me
-N1FS- Hero :  lol
Willy Nilly :  was watching you downstairs
Niggly :  rofl
Niggly :  degreaser push
Niggly :  love it.
-N1FS- Hero :  how can you watch me unless you cheat?
Niggly :  why did you lie about the pizza
Willy Nilly :  poor ass broke mother pucker
Willy Nilly :  you ever even seen a pizza in rea  life
Willy Nilly :  7.99 that is like chump change
Niggly :  why
Willy Nilly :  how are you on the internet right now?
Niggly :  why did you lie?
gray whale :  why did you lie
Willy Nilly :  please go back to what ever country you came from
Niggly :  why did you lie
gray whale :  i live in ukraine and i am already back into it wow ahaha
Willy Nilly :  what
-N1FS- Hero :  who is this kid talking to?
Niggly :  why did you lie
gray whale :  i will forgive you about the pizza if you apologize
Willy Nilly :  eat a dick!
Willy Nilly :  your dads
Willy Nilly :  penis
Willy Nilly :  in your mouth
gray whale :  good one
Niggly :  why did you lie
Niggly :  stop changing the subject.
gray whale :  your dads pizza in your mouth oh wait you never had pizza
gray whale :  good one
-N1FS- Hero :  lol
-N1FS- Hero :  ahh you cheated again
Niggly killed Willy Nilly with tomislav.
Willy Nilly :  wow
Willy Nilly :  so lame
gray whale :  answer me
gray whale :  the pizza
gray whale :  why
Niggly :  did you lie
Willy Nilly :  what about it?
gray whale :  answer me and i will give you the flag
sperm whale killed Willy Nilly with tf_projectile_pipe.
gray whale :  good one
sperm whale :  good one
sperm whale suicided.
Willy Nilly :  I won fair and square
gray whale :  was the pizza square or circular
Willy Nilly :  dick face mcGee can eat his namesake
gray whale :  who
Willy Nilly :  mr white trash hero
Willy Nilly :  not juke box
Willy Nilly :  white trash
-N1FS- Hero :  Im not white
gray whale :  answer me
-N1FS- Hero killed Willy Nilly with force_a_nature.
gray whale :  good one
-N1FS- Hero :  good one
Niggly :  good one
Niggly killed Willy Nilly with tomislav.
Niggly :  lol u mom bro?
Willy Nilly :  my mom?
Willy Nilly :  me mad?
Willy Nilly :  no
Niggly :  umom?
Niggly :  so the pizza
Niggly :  was it round or square?
gray whale :  please answer the questions
Niggly :  square or round
gray whale :  or both...!
-N1FS- Hero :  round or square
Willy Nilly :  ummmmm
Willy Nilly :  lets see
Niggly :  round
Niggly :  square
Willy Nilly :  is the quick fix what your girlfriend calls your cock?
gray whale :  good one
Niggly :  good one
sperm whale :  good one
gray whale :  is pizza what your brain calls thin air
gray whale :  good one
sperm whale :  good one
Niggly :  good one
gray whale :  (because it doesn't exist)
gray whale :  good one
-N1FS- Hero :  lol
sperm whale :  good one
Niggly :  good one
Willy Nilly :  mature
Niggly :  good one
gray whale :  good one
Niggly :  weiner jokes are mature
Niggly :  pizza jokes
Niggly :  no
Willy Nilly :  well you have just lost one more player on your pathetic server
Willy Nilly :  happy?
Niggly :  good one
Willy Nilly :  you suck dick at this game too
Niggly :  nice
gray whale :  good one
Willy Nilly :  just
-N1FS- Hero :  lol
Willy Nilly :  some frienly advice
Willy Nilly :  go buy a gun
Niggly :  i like frienly
[SM] Gagged Willy Nilly.
gray whale :  good one
Niggly :  good one
Niggly :  what kind of gun?
Niggly :  round or square?
gray whale :  yes what kind of gun
[SM] Ungagged Willy Nilly.
-N1FS- Hero :  I have a gun
gray whale :  what kind of gun
Niggly :  what kind of gun
-N1FS- Hero :  answer the question round or square
gray whale :  how much did it cost...!
Willy Nilly :  this use it to do us all a favor.... and murder yourself
gray whale :  where did you buy it from
Niggly :  good one
gray whale :  good one
gray whale :  how about you go get a phone and do us a favor and get some real pizza and eat it....!
gray whale :  good one
Niggly :  good one
Niggly :  nice
gray whale :  NICE
Niggly :  good one
gray whale :  good one

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

good one

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
6:18 PM - gray whale: the polis are looking for you now ,,,,,,
6:19 PM - sperm whale: they wil never find me,,,,,,,
6:19 PM - gray whale: helb
6:19 PM - sperm whale: i am  hidin,
6:19 PM - sperm whale: haha,,,heh
6:19 PM - sperm whale: h
6:19 PM - sperm whale: a
6:19 PM - sperm whale: !
6:22 PM - sperm whale: i hab  rerouted my ib adresss,,,,,,they will go to an inocent berson,,,,,,,then yo will get tried for lyng,,,,,,,!
6:22 PM - gray whale: HELB
6:22 PM - gray whale: pels no this isnt righ
6:22 PM - sperm whale: hehehe.
6:22 PM - sperm whale: ,,he
6:22 PM - gray whale: helb
6:22 PM - sperm whale: you better ron
6:22 PM - sperm whale: ye


Never tell your password to anyone.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
3:22 PM - gray whale: i am sory
3:22 PM - sperm whale: NO,,,,,
3:22 PM - gray whale: helb
3:24 PM - gray whale: no
3:24 PM - gray whale: NO !!!
3:24 PM - gray whale: WHY
3:25 PM - gray whale: NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
3:25 PM - gray whale: u jumbed inn front of me
3:25 PM - gray whale: ki am sory
3:28 PM - sperm whale: i      win,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:28 PM - gray whale: grr !!!
3:28 PM - gray whale: you beat me !
3:28 PM - sperm whale: yes
3:28 PM - gray whale: grrrrrRRRR !!!
3:29 PM - sperm whale: h.he,he
3:29 PM - sperm whale: ..
3:29 PM - gray whale: GRR  !!!!!!
3:29 PM - gray whale: woW ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:29 PM - gray whale: cheater ,,,,,,,,,,!!!
3:29 PM - gray whale: you cheatd ,,,,,,,,,,,,wOW ,,,,,,,,,,
3:29 PM - sperm whale: helb
3:29 PM - gray whale: get some skill ,,,,,,,,,,,please ,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!
3:29 PM - sperm whale: ok ok i am sory
3:29 PM - gray whale: wow  !!!!
3:29 PM - gray whale: !!!
3:30 PM - gray whale: gom under the vridge ,,,,,,,
3:30 PM - gray whale: we gona fight ,,,,,,,,
3:30 PM - gray whale: man  to man ,,,,,,,,,
3:30 PM - gray whale: 1v1 ,,,,,,,,,,
3:30 PM - gray whale: are you sgared ,,,,,,
3:30 PM - sperm whale: ok ok
3:30 PM - gray whale: ye ,,,,,,
3:30 PM - sperm whale: nO     !
3:30 PM - gray whale: ye ,,,,,,,,
3:31 PM - gray whale: WOW I WASNT READY
3:31 PM - gray whale: WOW
3:31 PM - gray whale: no skill ,,,,,,at oll ,,,,,,,,,,,
3:31 PM - sperm whale: good..
3:31 PM - gray whale: WOW ,,,,,,,you  r not good ,,,,,,,,,,
3:31 PM - gray whale: im gona beat u bich  ye , ,,,
3:31 PM - gray whale: i have sgio;;
3:31 PM - gray whale: WOW
3:31 PM - gray whale: are you just gona camp ther all day ,,,,,,,,,,,
3:32 PM - gray whale: ahahhahahaha
3:32 PM - sperm whale: SPAWN CAMBER
3:32 PM - gray whale: haahahegeha
3:32 PM - sperm whale: i wil ban you,.,,,,,,,,,,,
3:32 PM - gray whale: wow you are bad at this game
3:32 PM - gray whale: hahahahaa
3:32 PM - gray whale: aahhahaha
3:32 PM - gray whale: ahahahahahaha
3:32 PM - gray whale: wow are you scared ,,,,
3:33 PM - gray whale: ahhahahaha
3:33 PM - gray whale: you scream like a chiken ,,,,
3:33 PM - gray whale: wow , , ,
3:33 PM - sperm whale: ples stob i will kik you,,,,,,
3:33 PM - gray whale: ye h hahhaha
3:33 PM - gray whale: kik me ,, , ,,
3:33 PM - gray whale: ahhahahaaa
3:34 PM - gray whale: WOW
3:34 PM - sperm whale: goood
3:34 PM - sperm whale: good
3:34 PM - gray whale: im coming bak to get u ,,,,,ahahahahahha
3:35 PM - sperm whale: no fair,,,,,,,
3:35 PM - gray whale: ahahahaha
3:35 PM - gray whale: WOW
3:35 PM - sperm whale: good
3:35 PM - gray whale: WOW YOR SO DOMB
3:35 PM - gray whale: WOW
3:35 PM - sperm whale: ,
3:35 PM - gray whale: WOW ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:35 PM - gray whale: wow ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:36 PM - gray whale: iyou need to cool down ,,,,,,,,
3:36 PM - gray whale: ikts just a game ,,,,,,,,,,,
3:36 PM - gray whale: wow ,,,,,,,,,,,
3:36 PM - gray whale: wow its not like a i care ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:36 PM - gray whale: wow ,,,,,,,,,,,
3:36 PM - gray whale: i dont care ,,,,,,,,,,
3:36 PM - gray whale: i have a girlfriend      amnd i go outside ,,,,,,,,,,
3:36 PM - gray whale: i bet you dont ,,,,,,,ahahahhaha
3:36 PM - gray whale: hahahahaha i bet u live in ur momas basement ,,,,,,,,,,,
3:36 PM - sperm whale: ples stob,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:36 PM - gray whale: u throw plates at ur moma ,,,,,,,!!!!!
3:36 PM - gray whale: ahahaahaa ,,, ,, ,!!!
3:36 PM - gray whale: hahahahahah wOW   ! ! ! ! ! !
3:36 PM - sperm whale: ples stob     ple,
3:37 PM - gray whale: ahahaha u hate yo moma u throw blates at her ,,,,,,,,,
3:37 PM - gray whale: wow    are you mad ,,,,,,
3:37 PM - gray whale: are you mad  tell me,,,,,
3:37 PM - gray whale: tell me ,,,,!!
3:37 PM - sperm whale: YES i am      ver       mad !  !
3:37 PM - gray whale: your mad ,,,,,
3:37 PM - sperm whale: g R
3:37 PM - gray whale: ye , ,,,,,
3:37 PM - sperm whale: i wil get you,,,,,,,,,,
3:38 PM - gray whale: ahahhaa  , ,  , ,
3:38 PM - gray whale: u gant get me ,,,,,,
3:38 PM - gray whale: you wana figh , ,, ,
3:38 PM - sperm whale: ye/
3:39 PM - gray whale: ok
3:39 PM - gray whale: wow you wer lucky ,,,,
3:40 PM - gray whale: wer r u , ,,
3:40 PM - gray whale: fight me ,, , ,
3:40 PM - sperm whale: i wil show you,,,,,,,
3:40 PM - gray whale: yor hiding , ,, ,,
3:40 PM - gray whale: r u chiken
3:41 PM - gray whale: WOW
3:41 PM - gray whale: WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................
3:41 PM - sperm whale: i win,,,,,,
3:41 PM - gray whale: wow wowowwwwowow
3:41 PM - sperm whale: woow you are getting real mad i bet,,,,,,,,
3:41 PM - gray whale: ahahahah i let you have that ,,,,
3:41 PM - gray whale: im not mad ,, , ,, ,, ,,grrrr,,,,
3:41 PM - sperm whale: me too  , g  R
3:41 PM - gray whale: ahahah ,,,, ,,  ,,
3:41 PM - gray whale: ur sgared u went spy ,, ,,
3:42 PM - gray whale: u are so spooked of me ,,,,
3:42 PM - sperm whale: i wos alredy spe dumo
3:42 PM - gray whale: wOW , ,  ,
3:42 PM - sperm whale: wow you ar rely dum
3:42 PM - gray whale: WOW
3:42 PM - gray whale: WOW why , ,, ,,
3:42 PM - gray whale: why i didnt brek rules , , , admininstorator abus , ,, ,
3:42 PM - sperm whale: ha HA
3:42 PM - gray whale: i will be teling the polis wow , ,, ,
3:42 PM - gray whale: wow ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:43 PM - sperm whale: ok ia m sory
3:43 PM - sperm whale: ples don tell de polis
3:43 PM - gray whale: ye ye ,,,,,,,
3:43 PM - gray whale: i will send swat to ur house ,, ,
3:43 PM - gray whale: ARE YOU SCARED
3:43 PM - gray whale: ye ,,,
3:44 PM - sperm whale: no,,,nO
3:44 PM - gray whale: hahahah, ,, ,
3:44 PM - sperm whale: !        !! !!
3:44 PM - gray whale: hah ahhahaha                ahaha , , ,
3:44 PM - gray whale: good one , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:44 PM - gray whale: fight me ,,,,,
3:44 PM - gray whale: fight me fight me , , ,,fightme  ,,,,,!!!
3:44 PM - sperm whale: i win,,,
3:44 PM - gray whale: wow ,, ,,
3:45 PM - gray whale: WOW
3:45 PM - sperm whale: ha hahA
3:45 PM - sperm whale: ! !
3:45 PM - gray whale: wow ur a      ..................
3:45 PM - gray whale: ur a   ,  ,,
3:45 PM - gray whale: b*ch , ,,
3:45 PM - gray whale: u b*ch m**** . . . .
3:45 PM - sperm whale: wo
3:46 PM - sperm whale: wow  you ar so mad i bet,
3:46 PM - gray whale: * ** *! wow ,,,<!!<<<%***8
3:46 PM - gray whale: ****************** you ,,,,,,,,,,,
3:46 PM - sperm whale: haha you left
3:46 PM - gray whale: wow im coming bak , , ,,
3:46 PM - sperm whale: you  ar so mad,,,,,,,
3:46 PM - sperm whale: i bet
3:46 PM - sperm whale: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:46 PM - sperm whale: ok
3:46 PM - gray whale: my litol brother wos playing for me,,,,thats why i was bad ,,, ,, ,
3:46 PM - gray whale: i had to kik him off , ,,,,
3:46 PM - gray whale: i wos tybing while he played  , , ,,wow ,,you didnt know that ,, ,,
3:47 PM - gray whale: i am more mature thn him , ,, ,
3:47 PM - sperm whale: wow he wos rely bad
3:47 PM - gray whale: ye i know ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:47 PM - sperm whale: i bet  it runs in yor famly
3:47 PM - gray whale: wOW   ! !!!!
3:47 PM - sperm whale: good one
3:47 PM - gray whale: just u waid
3:48 PM - gray whale: i need you ,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:48 PM - gray whale: i want you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:48 PM - gray whale: to get out my face ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!@
3:48 PM - gray whale: !!!
3:48 PM - gray whale: hey Remember that time i told i thot u wer cool ,,,,,i lied ,,,,
3:49 PM - gray whale: earth is ful ,,,,go hom
3:49 PM - sperm whale: me to,,,,,,,,
3:49 PM - gray whale: wow WOW ,,,,,
3:49 PM - gray whale: i caled ur boyfrend dumb and he hit me with his purse ,,,,,,
3:49 PM - sperm whale: i     am bloging you ,,,,,,,,,
sperm whale is now Offline.
sperm whale is currently offline, message cannot be sent.
sperm whale is now Online.
3:50 PM - gray whale: roses r red violets r bloo , god made me prety what the ***** hapen to u ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:50 PM - sperm whale: wow poetry is rely dum,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3:50 PM - gray whale: ahhaahhaa h                      ............
3:51 PM - gray whale: you hav your whole life to be a jerk  ,,,,,,,,,so why dont uu take a day off so ,,,,,leave me a mesage for wehn i get back ,,,,
3:51 PM - sperm whale: ok i wil  ,,,,,,,,,,
sperm whale is now Offline.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

TF2 - MLG pyro

It is a very short clip I made of my first day playing TF2. It is very fun.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Team Fortress 2 is free to use

Hey, this game is now free to play, so that is cool. It seems the update also made it so it would work for me, so expect some really cool moving photographs of some stuff.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

[TF2] - Wave Goodbye to Your Heads

Nahomb Chapter 3 & 4

The Chronicles of Nahomb: Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 cannot be uploaded, for some reason.  i will try to upload them in the near future.

Monday, April 25, 2011

St. bonhome's Day 2011

Hello, today is St. bonhome's Day, I hope you had a good one. The ultracog developers have decided to announce a project in the making, it is scheduled to have a playable test within a few months. The only hint is that you will be a soldier, and it has something to do with St. bonhome's day.

Thank you for reading,

Have a good day.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

tf2 - my review for the hatless update

10:29 - kiWi: dammit tf2 god dammit
10:29 - kiWi: GOD DAMMIT

Saturday, April 2, 2011



APB: Reloaded Closed Beta

i am not allowed to say anything about this game so

i won't

good bye

we are closing i bet

i am sad to say but we are closing

aPRIL FOOLS egegegegegeggegegegegegge

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Quality for tf2 videos

My tf2 videos will now have a higher quality to them.  I made a test video displaying the quality level.  Watch in HD! B)

there is a new community project !

hello buds , today the very bobular website is bac op and running, we will post some things there, so chek it out dogs :

it is also the reunion day of the viktory at west bridge !

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

bonhomeBison (Interview included)

bonhomeBison is a game that was recently developed by Ultra Cog.

"bonhomeBison has already sold us 600 billion copies" developers at Ultra Cog said today.  "We are already planning for bonnhomeBison 2."

Today, interviewers from Ultra Cog interviewed Ultra Cog about this exciting sequel.

Ultra Cog Interviewers: What is going to be in this sequel that wasn't in the first game?

Ultra Cog Developers: "Jumping! Ahahahaha."

You can see bonhomeBison in action here.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tf2 Hats: Update

I made and submitted two hats:

Bunny Hat for Pyro

Spy vs. Spy hat for Spy

It was really fun making these.  I hope they get in.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tf2 Hats

So I have finally figured out how to test hats in-game with the new Tf2 model tester. So far I have only made one test hat, that is being developed in a real hat. Since Valve has accepted some pretty ugly hats in the game, there's a good chance of one of my hats getting in. My theory is if I make a lot of quality hats and submit them, one of them is bound to be accepted. If one of them do get in, I'm hoping to get some rupees, but it doesn't really matter much. The sole idea of having a hat made by me in a game I love is payment enough. Now I think I'm going to stop typing because this tiny iPod keyboard is cramping my hands.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I took some cool photos.  You can find them on my portfolio page.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

citroën 2cv

I finished up an old pixel car for a little fleet with some friends.

Have a good day.

Friday, January 7, 2011


This is something I made while I was helping out a bud.